As enthusiasts for classic cars and experts in digital communication and marketing, the SECRET CLASSICS team offers you valuable services on everything to do with classic cars and media.

Excerpt from our range of customers and services.
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Auto Scouting
The search for the dream car is a very individual matter and requires a high level of expertise, a broad network and the utmost discretion.
We at SECRET CLASSICS have been enthusiasts for classic vehicles since the beginning. We love the aesthetics, history and the cultural assets of these vehicles and the lifestyle that goes with them. It is the personal ambition of SECRET CLASSICS to support everyone who shares this enthusiasm in the realization of their very individual vehicle dream. Through our long-standing, international and high-quality network, we provide you with targeted and reliable support in your search for your dream classic car.
Event & Rallye organization
The organization and implementation of classic car events, rallies and other events is an affair of the heart that requires professionalism as well as feeling and creativity. In particular, knowledge of the requirements and desire of the exclusive clientele are a basic requirement for a successful event.
As a long-term partner and sponsor of various events in the field of classic cars, SECRET CLASSICS has this relevant wealth of experience. Via the event agency NineToNine Events, we accompany you in the planning and implementation of your very own event and, as organization and media experts, close the gap between media presence and marketing through to physical implementation.